

Porch Makeover

Our back porch has been pretty neglected since we moved into our house last year. When we moved in, I just placed an old table and chairs on the back porch and threw some pillows I already had on the chair. I knew I wanted my back porch to look nice, but I didn’t have the time or energy to put into it since my main focus was the inside of my house. Now that the inside of my house is coming along (and Summer is here again), my goal is to turn my back porch into a getaway that feels like an outdoor living room.

For starters, I knew I wanted to get rid of the small table I had and get a couch instead. When I was at my parent’s house, I fell in love with their outdoor couch. My super cratfy mom added some DIY pillows to her couch, which made it so incredibly comfy! So, I went online at Target and ordered my love seat. I already had the chairs from my old apartment, which were perfect because they were also wicker. I did a little rearranging and replaced the wicker chairs with my love seat. I also had an outdoor rug I had bought from Ikea last year that I was not loving this year and knew I needed one that had a little more color to it. After I rearranged my furniture I really wanted to include a coffee table in the middle of my chairs and couch. When I was alley trolling one day (imagine that, me cruising an alley!), I came across an old crate that did not have a bottom to it, which made it look like a coffee table! I grab the crate and threw it into my car – a DIY makeover coming soon!

When Mike and discussed the decor for the porch last year, he kept asking for a Chicago flag pallet wall hanging. I kept blowing off the idea because he wanted to buy one (which we all knew would never happen). If we were going to have a pallet flag, we were going to make it! I did not have the time last year to focus on making a pallet flag, but I do have the time now. So, I let the Chicago flag pallet drive the decor for my back porch. I embraced the color red along with a light blue.

When I was at Hobby Lobby a month ago I found the most gorgeous fabric EVER! It basically had all of my favorite colors in it, including the red and blue I was going with for the flag pallet! I also lucked out because Hobby Lobby had a pillow cover in the perfect red color and a cool design that I fell in love with. I bought both of them to start my porch transformation.  See my pillows below. You can see my tutorial on how to make your own pillows here.

I have more porch projects coming your way…stay tuned!

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