

How to Use Modge Podge With Fabric

Long time, no post! I figured it has been WAY too long since my last post. Time sure flies when you are busy and having fun!

I actually completed this project quite some time back. It has just taken me forever to edit the pictures and post them! Back in late Summer, I was looking through an HGTV magazine and they had written an article on how adding a tray to your kitchen can totally make all of your counter-top items look like they’ve been organized by a professional. Of course, I was all about this concept. Anything that was going to make my clutter look more organized and in turn, make me look like a genius, I was all game! 

I was at my local Home Goods cruising the sale section when I came across a decent sized tray. It was an off white tray with purple detail on it (not really my style). I flipped it over to take a look at the price. It was on sale for $15, originally marked as $100. Now, $15 would typically be more than I would spend on something like this, but since it was clearly something fancy (and a good size), I committed to it and went ahead and bought it.

I was able to find a fabric print that matched the color of my kitchen chairs, which was awesome! I knew I wanted to add this print inside of my tray so I could carry the color of my chairs throughout my kitchen. This DIY was super easy to complete!  Here’s how I did it…


– Tray

– Fabric

– Fabric Mod Podge

– Paint Brush

– Paint

– Scissors

– Pencil

Step 1: Paint the outside of your tray. I also painted a little bit of the inside of the tray.

Step 2: Lay your tray on top of your fabric. Use your pencil to trace around the bottom of your tray. Then, cut out what you just traced.

Step 3: Put a generous layer of Fabric Mod Podge on your tray. Then, lay your fabric over the Mod Podge.  Press down and smooth out your fabric.

Step 4: Put a layer of Mod Podge over your fabric. This will provide a nice seal over your fabric. Let the glue dry.

Step 5: Once your glue is dry, add your kitchen gadgets. My tray fit my toaster and paper towel holder perfectly!

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