

Quick Vase Update

The last time I was at Michael’s I found myself cruising the sale aisle (per usual). While I was perusing, I came across this adorable little turquoise vase. Now, I certainly did not need another vase, but I could not pass it up since it was only $1! 

My little vase has just been sitting on a table collecting dust. I was initially thinking I would add a clay flower to add some extra detail to my vase. I was feeling like I wanted a quick makeover. When I looked through my tote of crafting goodies, I saw some balloons. Have you seen balloons being stretched on vases? Well, I have and thought adding my colorful balloons to my vase would be a super quick way to add a splash of color to my vase. The best part about this DIY is you can change the color of your balloon to completely change the look of your vase!


– Vase

– Balloons

– Scissors

{Step 1}: Cut your balloon about an inch from the top.

{Step 2}: Turn your vase over and stretch your balloon over your vase.

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