

How to Make a Book Cover

I am always on a mission to get organized. No, really! Everyday I tell myself to get organized, I need to write down my “to-dos” for the day so I can stay on track and actually get things done. I figured maybe if I actually had something cute to jot my to-dos down ON, I would actually do it.

The last time I was at Michael’s to grab one item, I ended up spending like $40.00 (don’t tell Mike!)! That’s what happens when I allow myself to wander all of the aisles at the craft store; I get inspired to create 10 more projects! One of my purchases was this cute journaling card that had the word “hello” cut out of it. Now, I didn’t need this, but I WANTED it! So, I scooped them up and figured I would create some sort of project with them. Well, that project was my one-of-a-kind “to-do” notepad! I made my own paper using my “hello” card as a stencil! Now, time for me to start creating my lists and actually knocking some items off of it!


– Old Book (or an ugly new one ;D)

– 2 Sheets of different colored Cardstock

– “hello” Journaling Card (you could also use a Stencil or Stamp)

– Silver Paint

– Pouncer

– Scissors

– Mod Podge

– Paint Brush

{Step 1}: Lay your journaling card on your paper. Begin to paint over it with your pouncer. Move your card all over your paper stenciling “hello”.

{Step 2}: Cover the back of your book with Mod Podge and lay it on one of your pieces of cardstock.

{Step 3}: Trim down the edges of your paper as well as cut an angle at the corner of your notebook.

{Step 4}: Put Mod Podge on the inside part of your paper and glue it to your book.

{Step 5}: Put Mod Podge on the cover of your book. Lay your designed paper about an inch past your colored paper. Press down.

{Step 6}: Trim your edges again like you did in Step 3 and glue to your book.

{Step 7}: Put a layer of Mod Podge over the front and back covers of your book. Let your glue dry and you are finished!

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