

How to Make a Beaded Statement Necklace

I was walking by  Banana Republic the other day when I spied their “extra 40% off sale items” sign. I really had no reason to go into their store, but the Damn sign got me! I, of course, picked up a few items since they were on sale. Well, mission accomplished. You got me to make a purchase, even though I was not actually looking for anything!

When I was heading up to the front of the store to checkout, I passed the jewelry section. I stopped for a quick glance and saw this AMAZING red and turquoise necklace. When I looked at the price tag, I immediately put it down. It was $85 and was NOT an extra 40% off. Since I was not going to shell out that kind of money for a necklace, I did the next best thing. I took a picture of the necklace with my phone so I could make a cheaper version of it, duh!

All I really did to create my version of the necklace was use my trusty glue gun. I found some red flower buttons that I thought would be perfect for my necklace! I also bought some turquoise beads and a piece of cobalt felt. I really love the way the colors come together. 

{Photo Credit: Banana Republic}


– 4 Small Flower Buttons

– 1 Large Flower Button

– 3 Strands of 8mm Beads

– 1 Sheet of Cobalt Felt

– Gold Jewelry Wire

– 4 5mm Gold Jump Rings

– 2 8mm Gold Jump Rings

– Gold Chain

– Gold Clasp

– Jewelry Pliers

– E6000 Glue Hot Glue Gun and Glue (I decided this would be better)

{Step 1}: Put glue on the back of all your buttons and glue them to your felt (make sure you space them out). Then, put glue on the bottom of one bead and glue it next to your button. You will want to put glue on the bottom and one side of another bead. Glue the side to the side of your other bead. Keep going around your buttons, until you have created a circle.

{Step 2}: Trim around each of your beads. I left a little of my felt showing.

{Step 3}: Cut your jewelry wire so it is about 1/4 inch longer on each side of your bead.

{Step 4}: Use your pliers to create a loop at each end of your jewelry wire.

{Step 5}: Lay your bead on your remaining felt. Cut out a piece of felt that is the same size as your bead. Put your jewelry on the top section of your bead, put glue on your felt circle, and glue it to the back of your felt. This will glue your wire to your bead.

{Step 6}: Open your small jump rings and put them through the loops on your beads, connecting them together. Add your larger jump rings to the bead on the end. Then, add your chain and clasp.

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