

How to Make A DIY Mirror

Have you seen all of of the toilet paper art popping up on Pinterest?  Well, if you haven’t Pinterest has turned toilet paper rolls into basically the equivalent of duct tape.  There are apparently 100 thousand uses for these puppies.

So, I have decided to jump on board with the toilet paper art trend!  I have to admit, this new art form was pretty much a perfect fit in creating my own version of the Crate and Barrel mirror. Now, I know mine is not actually wrought iron (and it’s a bit smaller that the CB one), but it seriously only cost about $15 to make!

What do you think?  Would you ever consider toilet paper roll art?


– Toilet Paper Rolls (I used about 7 for mine)

– Round Piece of Wood (mine was 6 inches)

– Round Mirror (mine was 5 inches)

– Black Spray Paint

– Tack

– Wire, String, or Cord

– Scissors

– Glue Gun and Glue

{Step 1}: Spray paint the inside and outside of your toilet paper roll and your round piece of wood.  Let the paint dry.  Once the paint is dry, slightly push down on your roll and use you scissors to cut loops that are 1/4 of an inch.

{Step 2}: Place glue on the back of your mirror and glue it to the front of your round piece of wood.

{Step 3}: Grab 5 of your cut roll pieces and your glue gun. Glue the ends of 4 of your rolls together.  Take your 5th roll and put glue on the bottom side.  Then, glue this in the center of the 4 rolls you glued.

{Step 4}: Put glue on the bottom of your rolls and glue the 5 piece structure you made to the edge of your mirror.

{Step 5}: Continue gluing your rolls around your mirror…

{Step 6}: …making sure they are flush against one another.

{Step 7}: Once all of your 5 piece rolls have been glued, take a single roll piece and glue it in-between two of your 5 piece rolls. Do this all the way around your mirror.

{Step 8}: Next, take 1 piece of roll and glue it to the 1 piece roll you just glued and one of the pieces from your 5 piece roll.  Continue doing this until you have gown all the way around your mirror, finishing the pattern.

{Step 9}: Turn your mirror over.  Grab your twine and tie a knot at the end of it.  Take your twine and place it towards the top of your mirror with the loop at the top. Take your tack and push it through the knot on your twine and your wood.

{Step 10}: Hang and enjoy!

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