

How to Embellish a T-Shirt

Time to get out your trim!  

I made this lovely shirt with three different kinds of trims.  It was surprisingly easy to make.  A little pin here, a little pin there, a quick sew and viola!

Are you planning on making this?  If so, send me pictures.  I would love to see what you come up with!


– T-shirt (or tank top)

– A yard of large pom-pom trim

– A yard of small pom-pom trim

– A yard of patterned metallic ribbon that is about an inch thick

– Straight pins

– Thread

– Scissors

– Sewing machine (or you could hand sew it)

{Step 1}: Take your ribbon and lay it so the nice side is facing down.  Then, lay your large pom-pom trim at the bottom of your ribbon so the pom poms are hanging below your ribbon.  Pin the strip your pom poms are attached to directly to your ribbon.

{Step 2}: Now, flip your ribbon over so the good side is facing up.  Take your small pom-pom trim and pin it to the top part of ribbon.

{Step 3}: Trim one of your large poms off from the end of your trim. 

{Step 4}:  Fold the end of your trim under and pin it to the back center of your shirt/tank top. 

{Step 5}:  Pin your trim all the way around your shirt/tank top.  When you get to the back of your shirt/tank top, cut your trim so it goes about an inch over where you started.  Once again, trim off 1 to 2 pom-poms, fold your trim under, and pin it to your shirt/tank top.  Sew all the way around your shirt/tank top. 

I sewed one row towards the top off my ribbon, then did another row through the middle of my ribbon to make sure it was nice and secure.


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