

DIY Updated Pumps Using Spray Paint

For those of you who know me well probably saw the make-up and thought “Is she really going to attempt to create her own make-up?!”.  I thought about it, but realized I should chillax on my crazy CIY ideas!

So, I decided the shoes would be a perfect (and easy) CIY to do.  I have two pairs of nude pumps I purchased from Target.  I love the heel height, which is why I own two pairs.  I wore the first pair into the ground, but felt bad getting rid of them.  I pulled them out and thought a little paint here and a little paint there, my shoes would be back in action!

Photo credit: Right: JCrew



– Pair of nude pumps

– Black glossy spray paint

– Gold paint (optional if you want a gold detail on the toe of your pump)

– Painter’s tape

Step 1: Place a strip of painter’s tape over the toes of both your shoes.  I went about an inch and a 1/4 from the tip of my pump.  Rip the tape in the middle to separate the shoes from one another.

 Step 2: Start taping the soles of your shoes.

Step 3: Make sure you really press down on your tape.  If you have gaps, the paint will get where you don’t want it.

Step 4: Tape the rest of your shoe where you do not want paint.  I know I am not good at being neat, so I figured I would tape the whole stinkin’ shoe!

Step 5: Spray the tips of your shoes black.

 Step 6: Spray paint your heels.

 Let your shoes dry.

Step 7: If you want gold detail on your shoe, remove the tape on the top of your shoe and  place another strip of tape just a little bit above the black to create a thin line.  Paint the thin line gold.  Let dry.

 And there you have it…black and tan shoes!

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