DIY Fabric Turban
It really is turban time here in Chicago. The weather is really starting to warm up this week. Now, we will see if it holds on. My assumption is it will drop back to early fall temps in a couple of days, but we will see. With temperatures rising, I am sure the humidity is sure to follow. It appears I made my turban headband just in the nick of time! For all of my fellow wavy-haired friends out there, I hope this helps tame your mane. :)
– 1/8 yard of fabric (I bought mine at Joann’s)
– Headband (I bought mine from Forever 21)
– 1 sheet of felt
– Scissors
– Hot glue gun (and glue)
– Thread
– Straight pins
– Sewing machine
{Step 1}: Since I bought my headband from Forever 21, I needed to do a small alteration. I used some pliers to rip off the bow that was attached to my headband.
{Step 2}: Fold your piece of fabric in half so the printed side is facing in. Pin along the long end of your fabric.
{Step 3}: Sew the long ends of your fabric together. You will leave the small end openings unsewn.
{Step 4}: After you sew your fabric, turn your fabric so the pattern is right side out.
{Steps 5, 6, and 7}: Tie a knot in the center of your fabric.
{Step 8}: Loosen the knot you just made and slide your headband into the small opening of your knot.
{Step 9}: Take your fabric and form it over your headband. Cut your fabric two inches below your headband.
{Step 10}: Trim the ends of your fabric at an angle. I went up about 3 inches.
{Step 11}: Warm up your glue gun. Put glue on the end of your fabric, then glue it to your headband. Repeat this step on the other side of your headband.
{Step 12}: Put glue on one side of your fabric and glue to your headband folding your fabric in towards your headband.
{Step 13}: Put glue on the other side of your fabric and glue to your headband folding your fabric in toward your headband.
You are finished! Enjoy your new turban headband.